Food Pantry

Our food pantry is open and serving the community! The pantry is open every Friday between 11a.m. and 1p.m..   Food pantry is located in our fellowship area that is downstairs. Elevator accessible. 

  • Our Food Pantry Team

    Our team will love to greet and help you.  All we ask is you sign in. No other requirements. Choose the food you need right from the shelves. No need to take anything you don't want or need. 

    Disciples express how volunteering at the food pantry connects to their faith: 

    Kevin, "It's like giving grace to people to rebuild their faith in Christ where they may have lost faith in society." 

    Richard, "The Food pantry team has developed real friendships with many of the visitors. That is Christ at work. Some even bring donations."

    Dorothy, "It seems like we feed the multitudes like Jesus did with two loaves of bread and five fish. God always makes a way for us to carry out our ministry." 

    Comique, "We are not just a food pantry but a ministry of fellowship, love and support for people in the community. Sometimes people come to the pantry not for the food but for the love, fellowship and support." 

  • Food Pantry Blessing

    Food Pantry Blessing - Every First Sunday of the Month

    Every first Sunday of the month we bless the ministry of our community food pantry. During worship we bless the food items donated to the food pantry. We encourage everyone to bring a food offering that we will place in front on the sanctuary to be prayed over and sent to our community food pantry to serve those in need. All offerings welcomed.   

  • Pantry DOnations

    Nonperishable food donations are always welcome. Best time to drop off is on Friday 10 am-1pm.  Please do not leave food that needs to be refrigerated or frozen, in front of the office door.

    A list of most needed items but all food / monetary donation are appreciated: 

    Canned Items:

    • Ham
     Vienna Sausage
     Cooking oil (vegetable)
     Bottled juices
